
Get Pest Control Services in Kolkata by Just a Call

Feb 09

Kolkata's Shield Against Pests: Expert Pest Control Solutions

What pest control services are there at Pest Control?

Nov 18


Since Kolkata is a densely populated area, there are su...

Find out if your home is infested with Termite Control Kolkata

Nov 20


One of the smallest and most dangerous insects is the termite. These ter...

Termite Control Kolkata: Aware From Deadly Disease

Nov 22

A termite is a type of deadly living insect that lives especially in trees and forests. They cause tremendous damage to w...

Eradication of cockroaches from houses and apartments

Nov 24

One of the pests that invade homes and apartments is the cockroach. Cockroaches can be found roaming unsanitary in almost...

Kolkata’s Top Rat Control Treatment

Nov 28

Rat is a common pest that can cause a lot of damage to your home and business. Not only can they damage your property, th...

Cockroach Control Is Essential To Keeping Your Family Healthy

Dec 02

A cockroach living in every apartment is a deadly creature. Despite its small size, it is one of the toughest animals on ...

Stay pest free and healthy with control services

Dec 04

Since Kolkata is a densely populated area, there are sure to be many kinds of insect nests there. All these types of inse...

Easy Termite Control By Pest Control Services

Dec 08

Kolkata is quite a populated area. Where there is more population, there are more insects. Insects are inconvenient becau...

All About Cockroach Control Treatment Kolkata

Dec 08

Cockroaches are a menace that has been terrorizing Indian households for almost a decade now. Cockroaches roam your kitch...

Are Pest Control Services Right For Your Home Environment?

Dec 14

Not only children but adults are afraid to see small pests in the house. They are not just to be feared, these ugly-looki...

One Step To Keep Rats Away From Your House Permanently

Dec 16

Rat infestation is increasing in Kolkata, maybe the rat infestation is increasing in your house, how to save from rat inf...

Does Pest Control Services Stop Rat Infestation?

May 05

Rats prefer to live in most human dwellings. Rats adapt very easily to their surroundings i.e. make their own accommodati...

What Are The Top 3 Termite Control Processes?

May 14

Your home, your biggest investment, could be at risk. Termites can cause considerable damage to household furniture and o...

How Can I Stop Rats In My Commercial Place?

May 21

Rats are one of the pests that cause danger to us. Rats need very few things to survive, such as food, water and shelter,...

Top 5 Reason To Choose Professional Service For Termite Control

May 26

Termites eat and destroy wood and other cellulose-based materials such as paper and cardboard. In addition, termites dest...

How To Treatment Termites From Your Premises

May 30

Termites are troublesome and annoying pests that can cause various damages to your home or body and are very difficult to...

How Professional Pest Control Treatment Termites?

Jun 05

Pests of any type can cause significant damage to both your property and health. One of the most serious pest pests is th...

Is pest control getting rid of rats permanently?

Jun 12

Rats are a nuisance pest that can easily infest your home or business premises. If they enter your home or business premi...

Is Professional Control The Best Remedy For Termites ?

Jun 17

Eradicating termites can be very difficult and impossible when they multiply. If you recognize the early signs of termite...

Which Pest Control Is Best For Rats Control?

Jun 19

Rats are a nightmare to humans, because they can cause catastrophic damage. Rats are now a common pest in every house in ...

Are professional services effective for rat control?

Jun 22

Rat infestation is a common problem nowadays. Dealing with rat infestation is not very easy because they multiply easily ...

Top 10 Tips And Tricks For Termite Control Services

Jul 01

Termites are tiny insects that feed on the cellulose of wood and live in colonies. Termites can do a lot of damage to you...

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Easily?

Jul 04

A bed bug is a tiny pest about 5 millimeters long that lives by feeding on the blood of animals. Bed bugs do not spread d...

The best way to control mosquitoes in commercial spaces

Jul 11

The rainy season is ahead, i.e. when the mosquito infestation increases. When the monsoons come the mosquitoes increase a...

Top Termite Treatments | Soil, Wood, Bait

Jul 12

Termites can permanently affect the structure of your home causing costly and sometimes irreparable damage. There are no ...

Some Effective Mosquito Control Tips

Jul 16

It is the rainy season, normally the rainy season is the prime time for mosquito infestation. Although this weather is id...

How to get rid of cockroaches effectively?

Jul 25

Preventing cockroach infestation on its own is a very challenging matter, because preventing cockroaches is not a very ea...

Most Easy Method Of Bed Bug Solution

Jul 31

Bed bugs are a significant problem in India and Kolkata. These tiny pests spread easily and are difficult to treat, causi...

Best 5 Ways To Eliminate Cockroaches From Your Home

Aug 06

Many people believe that keeping the surfaces of the house clean will not cause cockroach infestation, but that idea is c...

What Is Best For Killing Termites?

Aug 11

We all know how harmful termite infestation is for us? This pest survives by eating wood cellulose and every year it infe...

Can Bed Bugs Be Killed By Pest Control?

Aug 16

Bed bugs are very annoying especially when you are sleeping peacefully. At the end of the day when you are tired and slee...

Why Sterilization Is Most Important In Medical Field

Aug 20

Health is our real wealth. If we are not healthy then how can we enjoy this beautiful life? We need to be health consciou...

What Is The Best Method For Rat Control?

Aug 28

Rats mainly like to live in human habitations and they can easily adapt to any environment. Rats can easily survive witho...

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