Top Termite Treatments | Soil, Wood, Bait

Termites can permanently affect the structure of your home causing costly and sometimes irreparable damage. There are no known health hazards caused by termites yet but these insects are very annoying and they work so quietly that they can do a lot of damage before you even notice. But there are various effective solutions to deal with termite infestation which we will discuss now.

Prime Pest Control understands the importance of protecting your health and property, so here are top three termite treatment methods to discuss.

Termite Treatment Methods

You need to understand the signs of termites because termites are very quiet so it is very important to recognize their signs. If you have a termite infestation in your home, you may notice a hollow sound coming out of your wooden furniture or you may see scaly wings or droppings. If you understand the termite infestation in the first stage, you can save it from damaging your home and expensive wooden furniture.

We suggest you contact professional termite control Kolkata as they are able to deal with all kinds of problems and work with experienced and skilled teams. Hire professional service is the easiest & Time saving process.

Soil Treatment

Termites live mainly in the soil. You will notice termites making mounds of soil in the walls of your house and nesting there. If you can’t find their nest, you have to dig the ground to find their nest, which is very impossible for you, technicians or professional pest control services Kolkata do this kind of treatment.

Technicians start by digging a trench around the foundation of your home and applying termiticide to those areas to kill the termites and prevent them from spreading into your home, then they backfill the trenches.

Wood Treatment

Termites feed on wood cellulose so they first attack the wood furniture in your house and gradually destroy and hollow out the base of your wooden furniture. Termiticide is the most important termite control drug or chemical that penetrates into the wood and destroys them.

Pest controllers use a variety of wood treatments to determine which termiticide is appropriate for a termite infestation and administer that treatment accordingly.

Bait System

A modern termite control treatment  is bait installation. By this means our pest control experts strategically place bait on the ground around your home where the insects come in for a tempting trade and get stuck while eating. Technicians replace the bait with a stronger variety that termites fall into the stations unknowingly.

Apart from these, there are many other home remedies that you can use to get rid of termites from your home, but keep in mind that these home remedies are not effective for long and when termites increase in number, it is not possible to completely eradicate them using your home remedies.


 If you are a resident of Kolkata or its surrounding area and looking for Best Control Kolkata then you can book an appointment at Prime Pet Control Prime Pest Control will provide you a hassle free control service. Here are the benefits you get by booking Prime Pest Control:

  • Long lasting control service
  • Cost effective
  • Skilled team
  • Government approved termiticides.

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