Termites are small creatures that can live for a long time. Termites mainly infect human dwellings because they find everything they need there. Even though they are small in size, they can destroy the structure of your home without your knowledge, which could cost you your entire life savings.
They can be difficult to notice because they are particularly bothersome at night, when you are sleeping. Here in this guide, we discuss several steps that will help you quickly get rid of termites and find them.
6 Steps To Termite Control Permanently
The first step in eliminating termites is to understand their infestation and locate them.
It is very easy to identify termite infection. You need to pay attention to your wooden furniture. If it makes a hollow sound, you will think that it has become hollow from the inside.
Mounds of feces and urine on the walls indicate that your home has a termite infestation.
Fix Moisture Issues
Termites thrive in moist environments. Repair any leaks in your home’s pipes, faucets, or roof first, as all of these wet areas will cause termite growth and spread.
Ensure good ventilation in the basement area.
Keep wooden furniture away from walls or soil
Make sure that the wooden furniture in your home is a little away from the walls because they can damage your wooden furniture by sliding against the walls, so use a metal surface.
Use home remedies
When termite infestations are very low in number, you can easily keep them away from your home by adopting several home remedies that are friendly to your home.
Home remedies include neem oil, clove oil, and orange oil, which you can diffuse around your home, which will help termites control in Kolkata easily die or flee from your home with their scent.
Use Termiticides
You can apply several termiticides available in the market for termite treatment. You need to take several precautions before using them because we don’t know how effective and safe they are, they can be harmful to your children or pets, so use them carefully.
Hire a professional pest control service
If the termite infestation is severe and you are looking for the most effective and safest method, professional pest control services are the best option for you.
Prime Pest Control is a trusted and reliable pest control services in Kolkata that has worked with over 100 clients for the past 10 years. Trust our experts and skilled technicians who will work with proper identification and proper treatment to eliminate termites from your home forever and you can sleep peacefully.
Termites are a common problem but they are a danger to your home and property because even if they do not spread disease, they can destroy your expensive furniture and the structure of your home. So, while you have time, your first job is to take the right steps with proper identification. If the infestation has become serious, contact us Today.