10 Amazing Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Termites: You Must Try

Termites are the most destructive pests that can attack your home, causing extensive damage to wooden structures, furniture, and even books. Professional pest control is the most effective and safest option, but it can be expensive for many, so fortunately there are several natural home remedies you can try to safely and effectively eliminate termites.

This guide contains 10 amazing home remedies that will help you get rid of termites and protect your home from future termite infestations.

10 Amazing Effective Home Remedies

Orange oil

Orange oil is a powerful natural remedy for termites because it contains d-limonene, which is toxic to the insects. When termites come into contact with orange oil, the oil kills them.

How to use Orange oil

  • Place orange oil in a spray bottle and spray it directly on the termite-infested area. Use orange oil, especially on wooden furniture.
  • Repeat this process every few days until the termites are completely controlled.
  • To prevent future infestation of wooden furniture in your home, you can occasionally spray it with orange oil mixed with water.

Neem oil

Another natural insecticide to control termites is the use of neem oil.

How to use

  • Using neem oil is very easy. If you have enough time, you can dip cotton in neem oil and wipe the wooden furniture well or you can spray it well with neem oil in a spray bottle and if you use it at least three to four times a week, it will be completely controlled.
  • For effective results, make sure you spray neem oil at least four to five times every month.

Vinegar and lemon juice

A combination of vinegar and lemon juice is an effective way to control termites as it is highly acidic and can kill termites very easily.

How to use

  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and fresh lemon juice, pour the mixture into a spray bottle, and spray the termite-infested area. Do not overspray as this can ruin the color of your wooden furniture.
  • Repeat this process two to three times a week for effective results.

Boric acid

Boric acid is one of the oldest and most effective home remedies for termite control, as it dehydrates termites and disrupts their nervous system.

How to use

  • Mix boric acid with water and spray it. You will see that the infestation of termites has been eliminated from your house very easily. Spray it thoroughly, especially on wooden furniture, walls and affected areas.
  • For long-term prevention, spray termite-prone areas daily and then spray boric acid at least twice a week to prevent future infestations.

Salt solution

Salt is a natural dehydrating agent that can help kill small pests like termites. It’s very easy to use.

How to use

  • To make a salt solution, you need salt from a good company purchased from the market and warm water, mix the two in equal amounts and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Now you apply the solution little by little to the affected area and you can also use this solution in an alternative way like you can soak cotton balls in this solution and wipe the wooden furniture thoroughly.


DE is a natural and toxic powder made from microbial algae. It can be and has been proven to be a natural way to prevent termite infestations. It won’t be too difficult for you to use it.

  • You may notice that if your house has a termite nest, you can use DE powder there. Termite nests are basically mounds of soil, and if you spread this powder around the mound, the smell of it will kill the termites.

Cardboard trap

Cardboard contains cellulose which attracts termites. This simple trick can help reduce termites in your home.

These types of traps are available at hardware stores. You can stack them near the termite-infested area and whenever termites appear, they will be trapped in the cardboard and you can then remove or burn them. You can repeat this process until your home is completely free of termites.

Garlic and chili spray

Using garlic and chilli spray is a natural way to prevent termite infestation. It is also called grandma’s trick. Crush a few cloves of garlic and mix it with chilli powder and water and spray it around the termite mounds in a spray bottle. This may reduce the number of termites to some extent.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera has natural insecticidal properties that are effective against termites.

How to use

  • Extract fresh aloe vera gel and mix it with water.
  • Apply the mixture thoroughly to the wooden surface and affected areas.
  • Repeat this as needed to keep termites away.

Sunlight exposure

Termites are called insects of darkness because they thrive in dark and damp environments. If possible, move your infested furniture or wooden items out onto the roof or in your yard so that they can receive direct sunlight to help prevent infestation.

Professional Pest Control

Apart from the above home remedies, you can also hire the best termite control in Kolkata which comes with various benefits and is completely effective and saves your valuable time. These services are completely safe and eco-friendly.


It is possible to get rid of termites naturally with the effective home remedies above but it may take time and for long-term results you may want to hire a professional Prime Pest Control company. If the infection is severe, you should book your slot soon without wasting time using home remedies.

Call Now today at Prime Pest Control ASAP to keep termites away.



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